Public joint-stock company
Ordered report to the Third international Conference
“Arctic Town and Environment”
Kakunov N.B., Sulimova E.I.
Climate fluctuation and temperature condition of the soils and their role in
forming of hydrological, cryopedological and hydrogeologic conditions
(by the example of the Vorkuta city)
Vorkuta 2003
The Summary
The present report summaries observations of climate changes
for the last 200 years on the territory of extreme European north-east and their
impact on environment and geological sphere. The authors reveal the passing of
the two 175-year climatic cycles, each of them consists of sixty-years duration.
The synchronism between air temperature and quantity of atmospheric precipitates
at quarter-century cycles and their deflection during the periods of transition
are determined in the present publication. Man-caused effect on the thermal
change and atmospheric precipitation are not mentioned.
According to the long-term observational series it was determined the
synchronism between air and rock temperatures. Such synchronism is being found
during the passing period of all short climatic cycles.
It is considered that at the close of the XX century quarter-century period of
warming had come to the end. Then the passing of sixty-year climatic half-cycle
of temperature fall is predicted. This climatic half-cycle will cause sharp
reduction (or full stopping) of winter water flow in northern rivers and
nutrition of groundwater as a result of taliks area reduction.
Engineering-geological conditions will be greatly changed.
This information can be used by geologists, prospectors, planners and
environmental organizations.